Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tonight, I Play the Midnight Game

What's the Midnight Game, you ponder? Well, give me a fucking second and I'll elaborate:

The Midnight Game was originally conceived as punishment for those who doubted and questioned the Pagan religion. Me being a stout atheist, I might as well suffer it too, y'know?

The rules are simple(ish). First, you take a piece of blank paper and write your full name on it. (first, middle and last) Then, you poke your finger and get a drop of blood and smear it next to your name on the piece of paper.

Next, just before 12:00 AM, you place the paper down on the ground in front of your front door, light a candle and place it on top of the paper; knock 22 times on your front (wooden) door making the twenty-second knock exactly at 12.

Then, you open your front door, blow out your candle, and re-light it. You have just invited the midnight man into your home. Equipped with nothing more than your lit candle and a container of salt, you must now wonder around your house in complete darkness until 3:33 AM.

Signs you're close to the Midnight Man are as follows: a sudden change in temperature, or your candle going out mysteriously. If that happens, you must either re-light your candle within ten seconds or stop in place, create a circle of salt where you are, and stay there for the rest of the night.

At 3:33, if you followed the instructions well, will be free of the Midnight Man. But from now on, he will always be watching you.

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