So, as you may or may not've realised. I write for a living. I love writing, it's a fun, easy way to get out emotions, thoughts, feelings, or just to bitch about why my cat gets staring at me while I'm masturbating. However, I must admit that writing (regardless of how fun it is) is not the best career to go into.
Every since I was a small child, I love writing. One of my earliest and proudest memories is when a short story I wrote was deemed the best out of the entire second grade, and it was put up all over the hallways for any student to read. I was so pleased with myself. So naturally, I continued to write throughout my life. Hell, I'm writing this write now on Blogger for Lennon's sake.
However, what you may not realise is that I am a freelance writer. Which is basically fancy-talk for: "I Don't Want to Go to College and I'm Pretentious". Which is hella true. Keep in mind, I'm 15 and will be 16 in late-August. I'm going into the tenth grade; and I'm already a freelance writer. Anybody can be one--scratch that--anybody with talent can be one. So, if it's so easy to become, what's the problem?
The problem is, when you're a freelance writer, you don't have a set income. You make whatever you work for. Literally, every dollar you have is worked for. Now, depending on how you get your work, you could either be highly successful ($50,000 to $90,000 a year), or you can be like most freelance writers. ($5,000 to $40,000) It all depends on how-and-where you do your writing.
Like I said, you are not employed by anyone. You could do the job whilst eating Funyuns and watching Family Feud and still be 'working'. However, you can't "take days off", or you will lose all your shit. The sign of a great freelance writer, and failed freelance writers is this: Determination.
You never, ever stop looking for work. You work all 365 days of the year, no breaks. Now, as for me, I'm currently making a lot of savings for once I have to move out and 'join society'. I already have everything planned. There's an apartment I wish to stay at, it's cheap and has all utilities. It's also across the street from a grocery store, a mini-mart and a McDonald's. All in walking distance. So, I will not be purchasing a vehicle, and will be living off Ramen Noodles and Big Macs for the next 40 years.
But y'know what? I wouldn't want to be anything else in the whole world.
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