Monday, June 17, 2013

Sitcoms Minus Laugh-Tracks Are Shitcoms

Go on, I'll wait. Go watch a handful of sitcoms with the laugh tracks digitally removed. Then come back and try telling me that wasn't the most awkward experience of your life.

I'll be right here waiting.

You finished? Great, now do you finally agree with me? Holy shit, it was perhaps the weirdest and most uncomfortable experience of my entire life! The Big Bang Theory quickly becomes Unfunny Nerds and a Hot Chick in a matter of seconds. F.R.I.E.N.D.S soon stands for Fucking Ridiculous Irritatingly Endless Nonsense that just Damn Sucks.

I mean, really, these motherfuckers take a long pause for laughter after literally every fucking line. How fucking unrealistic and idiotic?!

This is why shows like Arrested Development and Workaholics will always surpass these 'shitcoms'. Why? Because they have comedic timing with interesting and above-all: realistic dialogue.

I mean, trust me, I love sitcoms! Some of my all-time favourite shows are sitcoms; Married...with Children, for instance is in my top ten favourite television programmes ever made. But the difference between these modern shitcoms and classic sitcoms is that the laughter you hear is genuine! Also, the actors don't take pauses so the audience can laugh, they have to stop reciting their lines because the audience won't stop laughing.

So, this is why I grow tired of these shows and why I feel that you should either get rid of the studio audience completely, or let them laugh genuinely, goddammit!

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